Monday, February 28, 2011

Is Your Data Backed Up? If Not, Check This Out!


Drop Box (2GB for Free)


The biggest mistakes my teachers make is not backing up all the great lessons and flipcharts they create. I have found a really easy way to backup your data so you have access to it on your school computer, home computer & the web! Below you will see one strategy I suggest on backing up your data!

Everyone Else:

Using dropbox to save really important files, and save without having to put them on a flash drive and have mutilple files and versions!

How to get started:

Ok, all you have to do it create a droop box account and download drop box on every computer you would like to access your data on. Then simply save your work in the drop box folder and it will automatically upload to drop box servers and to any other computer you have drop box downloaded on, it is that easy. So when your computer crashes and you lose everything, anything that was saved in your "drop box" is still available and Backed Up!

Click here to create an account and help me earn some extra storage space!

Video about Dropbox


Wait there's more...

Tomorrow I will show you how to have people send content to your drop box!

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